I coached a 4×100 relay team once that was really good. They were able to place 5th in Division I at the Ohio State Track Championships. These four guys were fast! All of their split times were in the low 10.1, 10.2 range. They should have been no worse than second at State… but that is a story for another time. Do you know what I most appreciated about those four guys? It was their desire to outperform one another. After a race, they would immediately seek me out to ask what their split times were… and there was much gloating for whomever was quickest. One had to start from the starting blocks, another had to run a curve and two others a straightaway, so technically each leg of the relay was not equal in difficulty, but that did not matter to these guys. Each one wanted to be known as the fastest… and that drive spurred each to work harder, and be better, which made the whole team… well… really good.
Those guys are just one example of the dozens and dozens of times in my life where I have witnessed the power found in community. I’ve seen it in sports and in ministry. Relational iron really does sharpen iron. We are always better in community. I have seen folks who lacked confidence and were timid when it came to doing ministry — thrive and make kingdom differences when they were placed alongside others who were serving. I have seen teens who had a shallow faith in Christ dive deeper because they were part of a small group that encouraged them to do it. Discipleship is designed to be relational.
I really believe in the Christian Alliance Church core value of Grow Together. Personal spiritual growth certainly has its place, but growing in Christian community can have such a powerful impact in our life. I have seen it over and over and over again. A Christian who is isolated is in dangerous waters.
The belief in Grow Together is why I am excited about the new Sunday morning class opportunities we will have during our two services (and Wednesday night). We have intentionally added more opportunities for us to build relationships as we Grow Together in our faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
While I truly value our worship services, I recognize that they do not provide much opportunity for our folks to build deeper relationships. The classes we are offering, however, will give the opportunity for a deeper community to form in our church as a whole. Folks can get to know each other better in a small, more intimate setting and hopefully experience the encouragement of doing the Christian life — together.
Would you take a few moments to review the brochure in your bulletin? All classes offered are for teens through adults and perhaps one of them will resonate with you. Hey, I get it… I have been pushing this hard for the last month, but it is just because I believe in it!
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