Can you imagine what life was like for Joseph? We read about his life in Genesis 37-50. Joseph’s father Israel (Jacob) sure had made plenty of blunders in life, and perhaps his greatest was the way he favored Joseph over his other brothers. Why? Well apparently because Joseph made him a fancy robe (37:3). Talk about shallow, huh? That favoritism, combined with a dream that Joseph foolishly shared with his brothers where they bowed down before him, (37:5-8) led to his brothers hating him.
So, they capture him and sell him into slavery and make it look like he had been attacked and killed. (37:12-35) In slavery in Egypt, he is wrongfully accused of having an affair with his owner’s wife and thrown into prison. (39) While in prison it is discovered that Joseph has a gift from God to interpret dreams. Pharaoh finds out that Joseph can find meaning in dreams and calls Joseph before him where Joseph warns Pharaoh that his dreams mean that a great famine is coming. The warning allows the nation of Egypt to prepare, and sure enough a great famine does come just like Joseph said it would. (41)
As a result of Joseph’s warning, which allowed Egypt to be prepared for the famine by storing up great reserves of food, Pharaoh appoints Joseph as his second-in-command and Joseph is placed in charge of overseeing the administration of the stored provisions. (41:41-57) Not only did Egypt have enough food for their own nation, they were also able to feed other nations as well. (41:57)
Talk about a rollercoaster of a life! He is inappropriately favored, hated, abducted, sold into slavery, wrongfully accused of adultery, imprisoned (covering 13 years of his life) and then becomes Egypt’s highest appointed officer. Joseph sure experienced his share of heartache and pain.
Meanwhile, his family was back at home suffering from the famine. Those very same brothers who hated Joseph journeyed to Egypt to buy food to survive and bow down before the Egyptian official who is, guess who? Yep. Joseph. (42-45)
Of course, his brothers fear for their lives when they realize who he is. Even though Joseph was now elevated to a position of honor — all of the pain, disappointment and heartache of his life had come because of their actions against him. Here was their hated and abused brother — who held their very lives in his hands — what would he do?
But Joseph had an insightful revelation to the circumstances of his life, and reassured his brothers that he loved them and would take care of the entire family. The story of Joseph ends with these words: “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. Genesis 50:19-21
How could he do it? Did he dismiss all of the pain in his life? No. He found purpose in it. God redeemed the painful circumstances of Joseph’s life and brought about… good. Can He do that in your life too? You’d better believe it! Our great enemy acts against us intending us harm, but God can turn those circumstances into good. I am convinced the most frustrated being in the universe is Lucifer, because God is constantly turning his own schemes against him.
How will God bring about good through pain in your life? I don’t know. I know how He has in my life — and He has always been faithful. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Lord Jesus, give me the insightful heart of Joseph.
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