So much hate. Our world knows so much hate. I have grieved for 14 innocent people run down by a hate-fueled person in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve. Just days ago, ten teenagers were wounded in Queens when a gunman opened fire. Not long ago, teachers and students were killed in a school shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin. Wars, racism, abuse… our world knows so much hate. I just can’t understand why others hate so much that they would harm and even kill others.
The truth of the matter is that hate has been part of our world for a long, long time. The first murder in the world took place among the first family God established. All sin is traced back to rebellion of God which began with Lucifer and his prideful rejection of God’s authority. The Prince of this world hates… and his influence on the ungodly is strong.
But you know, the fact that hate is prevalent in our world today makes Jesus’ words to his followers so profound. “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35 NLT The love that Christians have for one another is proof of discipleship — or we could say the proof that we are seeking to emulate Jesus.
Jesus’ words reveal to us how seriously he feels about brotherly/sisterly Christian love. In fact, in the verse right before he says, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.” John 13:34 NLT
Folks, there just isn’t any wiggle room here. Jesus stated it as plainly as it could be said…CHRISTIANS ARE TO LOVE EACH OTHER… period — and
when we do… the world will take notice. Sadly, so many fail at this most basic, entry-level, command from Jesus. Many Christians gossip, grumble,
envy, nit-pick, judge and sneer at other believers just like those in the world who are not disciples of Christ do to others.
In a world filled with so much hate it is so important that followers of Jesus love… and most importantly, love each other. Peter wrote, “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 NLT He would know right? “I TELL YOU I DON’T KNOW THE MAN!” Three times Peter denied Jesus. And how did Jesus respond? “Peter, do you love me?” Three times. And three times Peter replied, “Lord, you know all things, you know I love you.” So Jesus gave Peter a love-commission right then and there on that beach over breakfast… “Feed my sheep”. (If you want to know why this was such a significant commission from Jesus read John 10 to learn about how Jesus feels about his sheep.) Love indeed covers a multitude of sins — and Peter is a great example.
Christian… grace before judgement. Mercy before retribution. Understanding before nit-picking. Peace before grumbling. Concern before gossip. Contentment before envy. Love… before hate. When we do that… according to Jesus… the world notices. And we all know the world could so benefit from an example founded in love.
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