I still remember the Sunday School classroom and where I was sitting in Lexington, Ky one Sunday morning as the teacher was giving a lesson on asking God to forgive us for our sins. I believe I was in 4th grade or perhaps 5th.
The teacher stressed that when we confess our sins to God in Jesus’ name that God will always forgive us, and even forget that we had committed that sin (Isaiah 43:5, Hebrews 8:12 & Hebrews 10:17). She said something like this: “Sometimes I wonder if God is a bit puzzled when we repeatedly ask him over and over to forgive us for something that we did, because he has forgotten that sin the very first time we sought his forgiveness. Is he thinking, ‘What is he talking about? What sin?’ Once is enough.”
Now, her statement wasn’t meant to be a theological discourse on the omniscience of God, but instead was to encourage us that God truly is a forgiving God. That little lesson in that small church basement in Kentucky has stuck with me for 48 years — God always forgives us when we seek his forgiveness.
In my teenage years I was blessed to have a wonderful youth pastor. Todd was a bit on the goofy side. Sometimes awkward and many times kind of clueless about some things — but man oh man, did he love Jesus! I really don’t remember any of Todd’s messages in youth group, but I remember how passionate he was about following Christ. I remember how he sought God’s will in everything from dating as a single guy to serving on the mission field. By the time I was a junior in high school; I wanted to be like him. Two folks who had a significant impact on my life during my childhood and adolescent years.
When I was an adult and newly married, Lauri and I served as volunteer youth workers in our church. We really enjoyed working with teenagers. I was deeply touched one year when at his son’s graduation party a father pulled me aside. “Steve”, he said, “I want to thank you for the investment you have made in Anthony’s life during his high school years. He often mentions you and the influence you have had on him. I knew when he was young, that it was imperative he would have other people in his life that modeled Christ to him beyond his mother and me, and you have been one of those people I have prayed would be in his life.” I was deeply humbled. Anthony was in my small group and I coached him in track.
I am convinced one of the most significant spiritual investments that anyone can make in life is the spiritual nurture of children and teens. Proverbs 22 tells us, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Teaching the children of our church the Gospel story of Jesus is one of the greatest ways that someone can serve the Kingdom of Christ.
Currently we need help in several areas of the children and youth ministries. Would you consider investing in our younger generation? Below is a list of needs.
AV help in Wednesday Kidz Zone
Kitchen Director for Wednesday night meals
Game assistant leaders for Kidz Zone
Youth Workers for Wednesday nights.
9 AM Children’s Sunday School Teachers
10:45 (30 soon) Children’s Church Teachers.
Talk to the church office and we will put you in contact with the appropriate person.
As you can see… we need help! Would you pray about potentially serving in one of these areas? I used to tell folks all of the time when I was in youth ministry. “If you like kids and love Jesus — you can be a youth worker!” And that is true for kids ministry too! If you don’t like kids… well… we’ll find something else for you to do:)
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