We are located in Willard on US Route 224.
Christian Alliance Church offers many ways for people to discover a relationship with Jesus and grow in faith.
Sunday Services
9:00 AM — Traditional Worship Service
10:30 AM — Contemporary Worship Service
In addition to our church services on Sunday we also offer several adult classes during each service hour. Choose a worship service and then attend a class during the other one.
Classes Currently Offered
9:00 AM — Are You Rich?
The Bible says that, in Christ, you are! Join the party, as together we unwrap the “33 Riches of Grace” Mark Fritz will lead this class at 9AM in rooms 24-26.
9:00 AM — The Psalms (A class for women)
The lady's class, led by Barb Postema is continuing to study the book of Psalms and are currently delving into Psalm 38. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend as this class as they study God’s Word. Meet in room 23 at 9AM.
10:30 AM — The Book of Psalms
Nick Kousma will lead the 10:30AM class in rooms 24-26. This will be an overview of the Psalms including history, literary forms and exposition of selected Psalms. Join us to learn from the hymn book of the Bible. Time permitting, we’ll review your favorite Psalm.
Wednesday Family Night
Join us for Family Night on Wednesday’s during the school year as we seek to Grow Together in our faith in Jesus. Join us at 5:30 for a family dinner for just $2. Programs begin at 6:30 PM. There is something for everyone!
Christian Alliance Church
1609 S Conwell Ave
Willard, OH 44890